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Online Casinos & Gambling Guide

Online Gambling Around The Globe

Added: Sept. 14, 2015

Naturally you hear all sorts of stuff about the status of online casinos and online gambling from various websites and such. Yet, as you might well expect what you see and read on one site may be completely contradicted on another website. Which leaves the question of how to really get a handle on what is really going on with online casinos and such around the world?

Perhaps one good source to turn for a more unbiased look is a reputable news source. In this case, take a look at a recent story published in the Economist. As you probably know, The Economist is an English language newspaper published weekly that looks in depth at worldwide issues from economics to finance to global trade and more. The point being that when you come across mention or better yet an entire article in The Economist you can rest assured that the material will be worth a read. With that in mind, following is a brief recap of the article mentioned above.

First, The Economist took the time to examine the countries and locales that support online casinos or even land based casinos for that matter. Interestingly, the point of this report was to highlight the losses sustained by gamblers and their respective countries. This examination revealed some rather surprising results.

For example, there is one bar chart that ranks the biggest gamblers in terms of loss. Surprisingly, the country of Australia actually tops the list. Australia is closely followed by Singapore. Actually, Australia and Singapore are almost neck in neck in terms of the losses sustained by gamblers. Interestingly, the next one on the list is the United States, which is followed by New Zealand, Finland, Ireland and more. The point being that it would seem from this chart that those from Australia and Singapore are playing more which necessarily translates to losing more.

At the same time, another chart puts this data in a different perspective. This chart actually puts country-wide losses in rank order. Using this set of data, we find that the U.S. as a whole loses the most per country at about $142Billion. This is followed closely by China which lost $95Billion in wagers. With this chart, the U.S. and China top the list in terms of total dollars lost to gambling activity.

So what does all of this mean? Your takeaway from the above is simply that gambling, in all its forms, offline, online and everything in between is still going strong. Just by taking a look at the numbers above, you can get a grasp of the popularity of gambling activities.